Practice Areas (Complete List)
Family Law
A comprehensive family law matter can be organized around a ground, or basis, for divorce, and five matters: Division of Property, Assignment of Debts, Determination of Spousal Support, Award of Custody and Visitation, and Determination of Child Support.
Grounds for divorce, fault based divorce, no fault divorce, uncontested divorce, contested divorce, high net worth divorce.
Division of property, equitable distribution of marital assets, marital debts, real estate, business valuation, business interests, division of retirement accounts, 401(k)s, pensions, stocks and bonds, tax considerations, premarital and prenuptial agreements, separate property, gifts, inheritance, and stock incentive plans and stock options.
Division of marital debts.
Spousal Support
Spousal support orders, spousal support arrearages, spousal support enforcement, income deduction orders.
Custody and Visitation
Child custody, legal custody, physical custody, visitation, enforcement, contempt, modification, grandparent visitation, interstate and international jurisdiction (UCCJEA), parental kidnapping, stepparent adoption, relocation.
Child Support
Child support orders, child support arrearages, child support enforcement, paternity, income deduction orders and interstate support actions (UIFSA).
Domestic Violence
Family Abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, spousal abuse, child abuse, physical violence, sexual assault, domestic assault and battery,restraining and protective orders, stalking, and harassment.
Military Divorce
Domicile and residency requirements for filing and service, compliance with military rules and regulations, military retired pay and marital property under the Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act (USFSPA), military benefits and retirement interests, Service Members Civil Relief Act (formerly known as the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act).
Premarital Agreements
Premarital agreements and prenuptial agreements regarding premarital assets, premarital debts, how property will be divided in the event of a divorce, and whether spousal support will be paid in the event of a divorce.
Separation & Property Settlement Agreements
Includes mid-marriage agreements – legally binding agreements between spouses which resolve issues such as marital property and marital debt division, spousal support, child custody, visitation, child support, and insurance coverage.
Interstate & International Family Law Disputes
Jurisdictional issues, Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA), Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA).
Appeals & Appellate Practice
Divorce, military divorce, child custody and visitation orders, child support orders, spousal support orders, equitable distribution of marital property, and family law jurisdictional issues under the UCCJEA and PKPA.
Wills & Estate Planning
Estate planning in divorce, new will, advanced medical directive, power of attorney.